Total funds raised to-date $ 214,478
Total non-monetary contributions to-date $ 178,500
Total dollars spent to-date $ 182,993
Dollars Raised 2022 $ 16,855
Non-monetary contributions 2022 $ 12,104
Dollars Spent by 2021 $ 6,901
Dollars generated through Hall Use-donations (rent) $ 6,017
General Management:
- The Kearney Community Hall Board held three (3) formal in-person meetings in 2022. Additional frequent
communication was via telephone, text, and email. I continued to send out periodic email updates. Notes are on file.
– The Hall was rented for 138 days in 2022, generating $6,017.
- I continue to administer and refine the Booking Application, a Rate Schedule, and a Rental Agreement with input
from board members.
- Our web site continues to be maintained largely by volunteer JoAnne Puckett. I update the event calendar.
- A sound system was generously donated and individuals have stepped forward to help run it.
- The parking lot was shaped and seeded following rock removal and fill. All work was through trade agreement for
rock, at no cost to the Hall.
- Material (OSB) for soffits was purchased and is ready to be installed.
- We have cost estimates for EFS and installation.
- Kitchen triple sink was installed.
- Deck lights and Hall outlets were installed by Shane Electric.
Next steps in renovation, by priority:
- Install Deck Ceiling
- Exterior insulation, EIFS (DRYVIT)
- Hang quilts
- Tables & chairs
- Outbuilding for storage
- Lawn Mower
- Kitchen counter, cabinets, freezer
- Programable door lock
- Bathroom light fixtures and shelves
- Outhouses
- Refinish dance floor, paint interior walls
- Fans in the hall ceiling
- Playground, horse shoes, outdoor grill, lounging/picnic
area, landscaping, sidewalks
Fundraising sources for 2022 included rental fees, donations, and two dance and social fundraising events.