Total funds raised to-date: $3,335.00
Total dollars spent to-date: $1,317.00
- The Kearney Community Hall Board held five formal meetings in 2013
- We applied for our 501(c)3 status with the IRS, to help pursue and accept contributions.
- Scott, Joe, and Courtney developed and fine-tuned renovation plans through several iterations.
- We re-measured building dimensions and elevations and submitted them to architect Brandon Vince who drew up conceptual drawings subsequently approved by the board.
- We requested WYDOT fence the highway right-of-way at the Kearney Hall.
- Todd Schuster (Schuster Construction) secured donated materials from local building suppliers, volunteered his crew, and put a temporary cover on the roof to save the hall from further water damage.
- The old hardwood dance floor is protected from further water damage going into winter.
- Individual contributions
- We received a $2,000 HAAF (Historic Architectural Assistance Fund) grant through the Alliance for Historic Wyoming. The Alliance hired CTA Architects of Bozeman, MT to complete the assessment, submitted in August.
- The Board decided to hold an old-time country fund-raiser auction at the hall the first Saturday in June 2014.