Total funds raised to-date: $1,435.00
Total dollars spent to-date: $14.00
The Kearney Community Hall Board held three formal meetings in 2012
We organized, formed a board, crafted a mission statement, and established officers.
We opened a checking account at First Northern Bank, Buffalo
We filed with the state of Wyoming as a not-for-profit entity.
We created a letterhead.
We entered into a long-term lease agreement with the landowner (unaware of the status of the easement)
We scanned some old Kearney Hall photos to begin a historic photo collection.
We began a mailing list of interested individuals, generated through word-of-mouth.
The building was vandalized in 2012: some windows and the door lock were broken. A marmot found his way into the basement. The roof was leaking and damaging the wood-floor.
We researched cost of insurance
We developed a list of conceptual ideas for renovation
We measured the building dimensions to develop architectural drawings of the existing structure through Brandon Vince.
Steve Cropley took steps to protect the structure from additional deterioration by repairing (boarding) broken windows and applying tar to a leaky roof.
Lou Galloway gave an estimate to replace and insulate the roof and repair trusses.
Individual contributions
We looked into applying for a planning grant with the Laura Jane Musser Fund and the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund